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Address 30, Docheong-ro, Yeongtong-gu, Suwon-si, Gyeonggi-do, 16508, Republic of Korea
Contact +82-31-8008-7000
Subway Exit 4, Gwanggyo center Station, Shinbundang Line
Parking (Visiting car fee) Free for the first 30 minutes, 400 won per excess 10 minutes (18,000 won per day)
※ It will be charged from '25.4.1
- (Free) Participants in events and meetings organized by the Do/Do Council, official vehicles, persons of national merit, pregnant women, Do council members, reporters, etc
- (80% reduction) Vehicle for disabled persons and employees (not registered regular rights)
- (50% reduction) Eco-friendly cars (electric, hydrogen, hybrid cars), compact cars, multi-child (more than two children), children under 8 years of age
- (Note) Additional 90 minutes free of charge when checking the department's visit, and the daily limit for cars with discounted fares such as electric cars is 18,000 won